Close your eyes and think of the visions of what is blooming right now all across the state of Wisconsin - this theme is always a favorite of Artisan artists when the come to art sessions at this time of year. Visions of garden, lilacs, tulips, and violets, plus bleeding hearts and lily-of-the-valley are brought to life by our resident artists. Our Artisan Resident Artist Amy always finds fabulous ways to both inspire and guide our talented artists along the journey to creature the amazing artwork we showcase on the Artisan blog.
The stories that follow with the art sessions are truly amazing. One of our residents told this story during a session. “Well, one time my husband and I had a terrible fight. He wanted to say he was sorry, but he never told anybody that he was sorry. So he went in the woods behind our home and dug up some violets and planted them in the back of our house. Well, those violets came back the next year and they just kept on spreading!” This resident not only went on to paint fabulous flowers, she also chose to depict some butterflies as part of her creative output.
Our residents took the theme of flowers in different directions - it is wonderful to see where each artist goes. We see the piece with the different flowers in different and very colorful vases. Another resident loved the theme and drew many, many different pictures of flowers, while another drew a single red tulip. We see a field of flowers, flowers on branches.....the possibilities for these art sessions, like the possibilties for the broader category of art itself, are endless!
608.828.9600 | 5330 Century Ave | Middleton, WI 53562
A Mosaic Management Group Community