It is one of the favorite times of year for Artisan residents - Christmas time and the holidays! It has been a month-long Christmas exploration, and Artisan resident artist Amy provided many forms of inspiration - images of Christmas flowers, decoration, landscapes, and religious themes were just some of what kept the conversation and creativity flowing. There were also many other images that brought forth the fun - such as the Grinch and Rudolph, and Santa and Christmas trees. The ways the artwork could flow from here were endless!
Amy made sure there were wonderful warm, relaxing art sessions for our residents. Discussion centered around ornaments and Christmas parties. Amy also told holiday jokes and read stories from Christmas books!
Lots of different types of creations were made - and included pieces of evergreens and holly, the traditional holiday dove, the 12 Days of Christmas, lights and stars of the season, and the giving of gifts to loved ones.
One resident told of how her family didn’t have fancy wrapping paper "back in the day", and instead used colorful tissue paper....with memories of her father who loved wrapping the presents and would dress things up on the packages by putting ribbons and beautiful shiny stickers on the tissue paper. For her family, they liked the wrappings almost as much as the gifts themselves! Other residents shared stories about old-fashion Christmas lights, such as the big colored bulb ones with shiny star backings that would reflect the lights.
There was also discussion about white Christmases - and while many said they would be disappointed without one, many others stated they were fine to not have the cold snow on the ground. The one things everyone agreed - A Merry Christmas to all, from everyone at Artisan!!
