Springtime and Easter are the popular topics for conversation at this time of year - the upcoming holiday gets lot of attention. Memories came forth from resident artists - such as of getting all dressed up and making up big baskets....wrapping presents, putting on special decorations....decorating eggs and then hiding them.
The art that residents wanted to work on related to animals as well - from a duckling painting, to a bunny, to a lamb and other baby animals. The baby animals were much appreciated by everyone, and lots of “awws” could be heard all around.
One resident brought in her own image to draw, a rose with some butterflies. Another drew a wonderful colt with markers. Yet another drew a stunning drawing of a bunny, and caught the essence of it with a minimum of lines. This artist just couldn’t believe it when we all told her how good it was....she gave the piece to Artisant Resident Artist Amy, who framed it and put it in the lobby!
We had artists create an adorable duckling paddling away (chalk); we hd a lovely brown bunny in the grass plus another white bunny. Some of our residents gravited toward coloring pages and created beautiful pieces that way as well!
Amy asked residents, “What do you think of when you think of Easter?” Answers included: “Resurrection.” “Hope.” “Easter eggs.” “Baskets.” “Bunnies.” “Chicks.” “Candy… Jelly beans and chocolate bunnies.” “Easter bonnets… (the resident starts to sing.) With all the frills upon it…” “We always dressed up. Oh, patent leather shoes!” Again, many many wonderful memories were brought forth from these sessions.
608.828.9600 | 5330 Century Ave | Middleton, WI 53562
A Mosaic Management Group Community