Warmer weather. It is a continued want and desire of everyone living in our region…..and as May comes, another fun time of year to look forward to is May Day!
Although it doesn’t feel like it yet, it is officially spring in Wisconsin. So Artisan resident Artist Amy worked with residents on this theme that residents were drawn to - beautiful warm days ahead! Amy first chose the earliest flowers to awaken, and inspiration at art sessions came from beautiful photos of colorful crocus, daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, forsythias, and pussy willows, along with some real flowers.
St. Patrick's Day. It's a holiday that everyone loves, since everyone can be Irish on St. Patty’s Day! And much of the artwork focused on the holiday in the weeks leading up to March 17th.
February is a wonderful month – not least of all because of Valentine’s Day! Artisan resident artist Amy really inspired all Artisan residents as she shared lots of different Valentine’s images, information and facts, and event jokes related to the holiday.
Art sessions with residents at Artisan are simply wonderful....and are truly unpredictable in the direction the artwork and the conversation will flow! Art sessions in January started to look foward to the happy and much-anticipated holiday of Valentine’s Day....and Artisan resident artist Amy always throws new things into the mix, and adds other cultural elements (like the Chinese New Year, since this year it starts the day after Valentine
There are high spirits and a very festive atmosphere at Artisan communities during the exciting month of December! Artisan residents have created and now share wonderfully different types of artwork - and Artisan Resident Artist Amy reports that art sessions included lots of lively conversation, recollection of memories, and of course holiday cheer.
The month of November is a wonderful time of year - as fall is in full swing and there is build up to the wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving. Plus, winter is right around the corner! The artwork by our residents this month reflects these feelings of transition, as artists had a wide range of interests in the sessions led by Artisan Resident Artist, Amy.
Artisan resident artist Amy brought in autumn-themed items that sparked lots of creative ideas from residents, and also added Halloween to the mix. Some of our residents liked things spooky and creepy - some prefered the playful and fun side of the holiday.
September showed the enormous breadth of talents of our resident artist. Artisan Resident Artist Amy brought so many different ideas and themes to our residents, and they embraced them all and used so much creativity with these outstanding works of art.
Artisan Resident Artist Amy has introduced many themes to community residents of Artisan - recently, a theme was farm-focused and was a wildly popular "hit" with the residents! So Amy has upped the possibilties, and with the inspiration she is so fabulous at bringing, she added farm pictures and even farm-fresh produce to the equation.